
Articles referenced in the source code and documentation:

  • Ghinassi et al. (2018). Local finite-amplitude wave activity as a diagnostic for Rossby wave packets. Monthly Weather Review, 146(12), 4099-4114.

  • Ghinassi et al. (2020). A Budget Equation for the Amplitude of Rossby Wave Packets Based on Finite-Amplitude Local Wave Activity. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 77(1), 277-296.

  • Held (1985). Pseudomomentum and the orthogonality of modes in shear flows. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 42(21), 2280-2288.

  • Held & Phillips (1987). Linear and nonlinear barotropic decay on the sphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 44(1), 200-207.

  • Hoskins & Karoly (1981). The steady linear response of a spherical atmosphere to thermal and orographic forcing. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 38(6), 1179-1196.

  • Huang & Nakamura (2016). Local finite-amplitude wave activity as a diagnostic of anomalous weather events. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73(1), 211-229.

  • Nakamura & Zhu (2010). Finite-amplitude wave activity and diffusive flux of potential vorticity in eddy–mean flow interaction. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(9), 2701-2716.

  • Petoukhov et al. (2013). Quasiresonant amplification of planetary waves and recent Northern Hemisphere weather extremes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(14), 5336-5341.

  • Wirth (2020). Waveguidability of idealized midlatitude jets and the limitations of ray tracing theory. Weather Clim. Dynam., 1, 111–125.

  • Zimin et al. (2003). Extracting envelopes of Rossby wave packets. Monthly weather review, 131(5), 1011-1017.