Release Notes

Barotropic 3.1

Minor release, 2 Jun 2024.

New features:

Package and documentation:

  • Add documentation for Grid.region and grid.GridRegion.

  • Replace with pyproject.toml.

  • Restructure repository.

  • Update dependencies.

Barotropic 3.0.1

Patch release, 28 Mar 2022.

  • Fix planetary vorticity in summary plot.

Barotropic 3.0

Major release, 9 Feb 2022.


This version is not backwards-compatible with v2.x.

New features:


Package and documentation:

  • Move unit tests to pytest.

  • Move documentation to sphinx.

  • Add scipy as a non-optional dependency.

  • General improvements to documentation.

  • New example notebook that demonstrates wavenumber-based filtering.

Barotropic 2.0.1

Patch release, 12 Jul 2020.

  • Fix import of BarotropicField from hn2016_falwa.

  • Declare the public interface explicitly with __all__ in the

  • Improve consistency of docstrings and add missing docstrings.

  • Hide imported constants in submodules.

  • rhs.RHSSum and rhs.RHSProduct have been renamed and are now hidden.

  • plot.reduce_vectors() has different argument names.

Barotropic 2.0

Major release, 23 Apr 2020.


This version is not backwards-compatible with v1.x.

New features:

  • Grid exposes additional properties (nlon, nlat, dlon, dlat, phis, lams).

  • Grid is now able to compute gradients.

  • The output of Grid.zonalize_eqlat() should have improved in terms of contour value sampling and computation time for the default arguments.

  • Stationary wavenumber diagnostic, waveguide detection and plot preset.

  • New initial states init.motionless() and init.zonally_symmetric() have been added.

  • Plot presets now allow selection of the latitude that is centered in maps.

  • The pseudo-orography term has been completely reimplemented and now provides more configuration options and the possiblity to load a gridded orography.

  • A new io submodule allows import of xarray datasets. However this functionality is not fully implemented yet.

Some functions and arguments have been renamed to achieve a more consistent naming throughout the code:

  • Initial states are now accessible from a new barotropic.init submodule instead of being staticmethods of State.

  • BarotropicModel now accepts None for the RHS forcing.

  • The diffusion_kappa parameter of BarotropicModel is now called diffusion_coeff.

  • RHS PV tendencies are expected to be gridded instead of spectral.

  • The resolution of a Grid is now specified with the resolution argument (was named latlon_resolution).

  • The properties latitudes and longitudes of Grid are now called lats and lons.

  • The parameters to specify the properties of the gaussian_jet initial state and orographic forcing have been changed.

  • Plots are now accessible via a plot property of State instead of methods whose names start with plot_.


  • New example notebook recreating the experiments from Wirth (2020).

Barotropic 1.0

Initial release, 26 Nov 2019.